Developers, nerds and sysadmins, there’s an opening for testers (and privileges for future customers, of course) for the new SecurePass release, codename “Dreamliner”.
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What is Dreamliner?
It’s the next release of  SecurePass. There’s an heavy work on its rewrite and the most important feature is the RESTful APIs. The API gives the chance to integrate identity management on top of any web applications, on existing provisioning processes, on 3rd party tools integrations. This will provide a great enhancement in provisioning and for shared hosting.
Integration through standard protocols (LDAP, RADIUS and CAS) will be always available.
What’s new under the sun?
The RESTful APIs are probably the most important feature. We are also adding group management, IPv6 based access control policy, and central logging for an unified logging experience. We added also RFID support for the ones who aim to to use their badge for more features, i.e. door opening, internal marketplace.
This release will be customer-driven, what does it mean?
Testers will use SecurePass Dreamliner beta on regular basis and report bugs, point of improvements and specific needs. The team will work to introduce new feature on request.
Wow, my company need it, can I have it with a big discount?
Sure, if you join the tester team and participate actively in the development you will have free use of Dreamliber until beta, then you qualify for special discounts to purchase the service that you carefully tailored around your needs.
I’m ready, what shall I do to start?
Send an email to and stay tuned!
